Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday, Mar 24, 2020

Por favor, revisen la tarea nueva en Google Classroom. 
2H Listening Comprehension: Los pasatiempos
Esta tarea es para mañana. 
Don't be confused here, "para" refers to the deadline!

For those of you that had difficulty accessing the Edpuzzle, I do apologize. On Friday, you needed to join Google Classroom. At this point I'm assuming that you needed to be enrolled in Google Classroom prior to me the assigning the video so that you'd have access to it; I believe that if you did, you had access to it. 
You will not lose any credit if you were unable to complete the assignment. 
Please consider completing Enrichment Assignments!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Mon Mar 23, 2020

Good morning!

I hope you had a no-stress weekend. It seems like some of you have a lot of work and others don't. I personally had a very slow MacBook (maybe the 23 open tabs had something to do with it) and wasn't able to do much online at the speed I would have liked to. Reflecting on that now, it's probably what I needed.  
s l o w - d o w n. 

This week I will ask you to again complete 2-3 assignments but I will also post optional enrichment assignments. Oddly, my laptop is working pretty good this chilly Monday morning.

Your first assignment is posted on Google Classroom. It's an Edpuzzle video with embedded questions. Please complete the Edpuzzle by tomorrow night.
VIP - Log into Edpuzzle with Google and select the email address associated with your Google Classroom account.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at

Go at your own pace...

Image result for patience quotes for students

Friday, March 20, 2020

Fun Friday... finalmente

¿Qué día es hoy? Fun Friday!!! We may have to go with Baile Viernes since Fun Friday usually involves a game in groups but let's see what we can do together. I went through some files and have found a couple of "fun" activities you might have some time to do over the weekend. But as you might recall, we sometimes have to do a little work before we play...

So for today I'd like you all to review this weeks posts to make sure that you've completed the Google Forms for ¿Qué harías tú? and ¿Qué harías si...?

Also, I'd like to try Google Classroom. I will continue to use this blog as our form of daily communication but I'd like to try and move assignments to Classroom. I'll put some optional enrichment activities in there later today as well.

Period 3, please join with the code 3bjyqp2
Period 7, please join with the code 7u3w4ly

Now for the fun - It's a Kahoot!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Jueves, el 19 de marzo

Y la jaja... 

¿Están manteniendo la distancia social?

No te olvides que necesito yo tus sugerencias/consejos para mi situación personal por el viernes.


¿Qué harías si ...?

Práctica de escuchar

Google Form to submit answers
I will "release the scores" over the weekend so you can see how you did.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Miércoles, 18 de marzo

¿Qué día es hoy? ¡Es música miércoles!

Y no vamos a olvidarlo 
Escúchame y baila
Si quieres bailar, cantar o hacer zumba, mándame un video para recibir crédito extra. Sigue @worldlanguagesjfk

Después de bailar... 
Necesito tu ayuda. Tengo un problema y no sé que debo hacer. Haz click aquí para leer de mi situación y darme consejo.
Necesito hacer una decision este viernes.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Día 2
Yesterday's class was like one of those that you walk in to before the bell and say "Where is everyone?" TBH, it was pretty quiet. No, you were not required to submit any work. Cálmate.

I did update the Google Slides to clarify the differences between the present, conditional and future tenses. Mil gracias to the estudiantes that sent in screenshots which pointed out to me the misunderstanding between the tenses!

In short...

What you do today is the PRESENT tense. 
What you will do this weekend is the FUTURE tense.
What you would do at JFK this week if it were open is the CONDITIONAL tense. 


If you would like feedback, send me what you complete in whatever format works for you. If you feel confident that you understand, you don't need to send me anything at this point. It is possible that later in the week or next week I will assign similar work for you to submit that will be graded.

Here's an early jaja...
Image result for Feliz Día de San Patricio!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Well, this is actually starting to feel like a real blog! Me telling you all about my day stressing about what will happen over the next two days, then two weeks... and what about after that?? Please know that as much of me was enjoying the sunshine today and thinking about how great it would be if it shined for the next two weeks straight, I could not stop thinking about all of the what ifs and how I was going to keep you all captivated and motivated via a digital platform. So I settled in tonight and opened up about 25 different tabs of Spanish Teacher recommended Distance Leaning activities- closing each one by one; nope, this wont do, too advanced, too beginner, what's the point? until I stopped the insanity and said, just stick with what they know...

I have some new vocabulary for you. We'll continue to review grammar and we'll look at some new tenses. You will have audio to listen to and texts to read. I will look into formats for us to communicate interpersonally. I will try a few new things. Some technology will not work for everyone. We will work out the kinks.

Please email me with any questions, concerns or cool Spanish moments in your life.

So, let's try this... Here is the new vocabulary. OMGosh, I'm starting to get excited and thinking I should maybe switch to blogging in Spanish.

Aquí está el vocabulario nuevo en formato Google Doc y en Quizlet, el tema se llama Los pasatiempos, las actividades que te gustan hacer en tu tiempo libre, cuando no tienes escuela por un par de semanas... too soon?

Esta presentación de Slides contiene unas paginas para introducir el tema y hacerte pensar. Es para el lunes y el martes.

TAREA: Estudia el vocabulario nuevo por Quizlet. Practica contestando las preguntas abajo.
¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos? ¿Cuáles son los pasatiempos de los miembros de tu familia?

Please give yourself at least 30-40 minutes to complete the 

National Spanish Exam Practice.

Please note: This will not be graded! Some questions are more challenging than others but it's great reading and listening comprehension practice!

Sofia y el vestido rosado