Thursday, May 18, 2017

Los servicios al publico 5.18.17

Do one of the following for 15 words:

Use the word in context/write it in a very detailed sentence.
Write at least three words NOT already on the vocabulary list that have to do with the word.
Write a song that includes each word.
Write a definition of each word in Spanish

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Escribe una respuesta, mínimo de 8 frases, a las preguntas que siguen en español:
 “Describe el papel de la tecnología en tu vida.  ¿Cómo afecta tu vida cada día? 
¿Como sería diferente tu vida sin el móvil?

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

¿Qué trabajo te interesa hacer?

Choose 4 professions, answer the following for each:
¿Dónde trabaja?
¿Qué hace?
¿Qué objetos usa/utiliza?
¿Cuáles cualidades necesitan poseer?

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Tarea 4.20.17 el futuro

¿Qué harán Uds. hoy, mañana, esta semana, este mes...?

Crean una lista que incluye todo.

Después van a compartir oralmente tu lista con más detalle con un compañero.

Incluye por lo menos :

hoy - 2 acciones

mañana - 2 acciones

la semana que viene- 3 acciones

este mes - 2 acciones

Monday, April 3, 2017

Tarea 4.3.17

Complete the 5 question reading comprehension about El Corte Inglés.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Tarea 3.31.17 Demonstratives

Visit this website to review Demonstratives or use your classnotes. Then complete the practice exercises.
Demonstrative Pronoun Practice Exercise:
A. Answer with the appropriate pronoun. You should note that you CANNOT use a demonstrative pronoun without having previously named the noun that it is replacing or unless it is clear in the context. Otherwise, no one will understand what object you are referring to.

1. --¿Quiere Ud. comprar esta falda? --No, gracias. Prefiero “that one.”
2. --¿Te gustan esos zapatos? --Sí, me gustan “those.”
3. --Prefieres este abrigo o ése? --Prefiero “this one.”
4. --¿Qué tienda te gusta más? --“This one,” la joyería, por supuesto.

B. Circle the appropriate demonstrative pronoun in the parenthesis. Pay careful attention to

the noun it replaces.

1. Prefiero la corbata roja, no (ése, ésa, esa) que está allí.

2.  Este chaleco es chévere (cool) pero (aquel, aquél, aquélla) que lleva el señor allá es feo.

3. La ropa hecha en Honduras es más barata que (aquél, aquélla, aquéllas) hecha en Nueva York.

C. Translation Translate each of the following phrases.

I like this watch, not that one (nearby).
Those shoes (over there) are more expensive than these.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Tarea 3.27.17

You recently read some sad news about the current conditions in Peru and want to help out. Write your friend a text in Spanish in which you explain the situation, talk about how you want to help and describe at least 5 items of clothing that you can donate. Be sure to open the link.
donar - to donate
contribute - contribuir

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tarea 3.21.17


  1. paja
  2. luces
  3. la dama de honor
  4. felicitaciones
  5. la vela
  6. el reloj
  7. dura
  8. la misa
  9. rato
  10. la luna de miel
  11. el salón
  12. la menora    
  13. el regalo

1. El amigo de Sarah le da _________________ el día de su cumpleaños.

2. El sinónimo de Enhorabuena es _________________.

3. La fiesta de _________________ es una fiesta hebrea.

4. _________________ tiene ocho velas.

5. Los novios van a celebrar la recepción de  la boda en _________________.

6. La mejor amiga de la novia que la ayuda todo el día de la boda es _________________.

7. Se celebra el Año Nuevo cuando _________________ da las doce.

8. La fiesta de las luces ____________ ocho días.

9. Los padres les dicen a los niños que pongan ___________ para los camellos en sus zapatos.

10. Después de _________________ en la iglesia todos van a la recepción.

11. ____________ es lo que se ponen en una torta de cumpleaños y también en una menora.

12. Los novios van a pasar _________________ en Hawaii.

13. Todos pasan un buen ______________ en la fiesta de cumpleaños de Marisela.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Tarea 3.17.17

Fill out the rest of the vocabulary list. Then, in Spanish write at least 5 sentences about how you celebrate one of the following: Christmas, Hanukah or New Years Eve.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Tarea 3.16.17

Answer the following questions in English about Las Fallas. Write 2-3 sentences for each.
1. How did it make you feel to see the figurines get burned at the end of the celebration?
2. If you were to participate in this celebration, what role would you have? (Artist, spectator, judge, etc) Explain why and what you would do in this role.
3. What holiday or ceremony do you relate this celebration to? What are the similarities and differences?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Tarea: 3.15.17

Imagine that you are in charge of planning a party for someone special.  Write a journal entry explaining the different things you have to take care of to plan a successful event.  You must address at least four of the subtitled topics from the article (las listas, la lista de invitados, invitaciones, etc.) and explain how you are going to take care of each item.  You must write a minimum of two to three sentences per subtitle.
Use your own words! The vocabulary or expressions you use may NOT be directly copied from the article.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Friday, March 3, 2017

Parque de attraciones

Visit a Spanish theme park online. Here is one :

In Spanish, write a 75 word account of a visit that you made to the theme park. Tell what you saw, did and what the rides were like. What did you  notice about the park, compare this with theme parks in the US.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

TAREA 2.14.17

COPY EVERYTHING TO EARN CREDIT. Test Friday, 2/17: el vocabulario de Las emergencias médicas, el Presente Perfecto y las comparaciones de igualdad.

El hospital - Digan que sí o que no.
1. Al llegar al hospital, el enfermo o paciente tiene que llenar o completar un formulario.
2. La enfermera le ha tomado la tensión arterial al paciente en la cara.
3. La enfermera le ha tomado el pulso en la muñeca.
4. Los rayos equis son fotografías.
5. El joven ha tenido que andar con muletas porque se ha cortado el dedo.
6. El médico le ha puesto unos puntos porque se cortó la mejilla.
7. Han puesto al herido en una camilla porque lo tienen que llevar al hospital en la ambulancia.
8. Lo han puesto en una silla de ruedas porque no puede caminar.

En el hospital - Completen con el presente perfecto.
Adela ______ _______________ (llegar) al hospital. Ella ______ ______ _______________ (presentarse) en la recepción y ______ _______________(llenar) unos formularios. Una abeja le ______ _______________(picar) en el brazo. Los socorristas la ______ _______________(llevar) al hospital porque ella______ _______________ (tener) una reacción a la picadura. La médica la ______ _______________(examinar) y le (permitir) volver a casa

Friday, February 3, 2017

2.3.17 Tarea

Complete the worksheet that we started in class, front and back.

Update : There will be a TEST on 2/17. It will count twice for Marking Period 3.

We will go over the Midterm on Tuesday 2/7.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

2.2.17 Tarea

Study the vocabulary list. On a separate sheet of paper write in Spanish and English all the words that you have not memorized. Then use the words to write ten sentences. You may use any tense that we have learned this year.

There will be a TEST on Friday 2/10. It will count twice for the Marking Period 3.

WE will go over the Midterm on Tuesday 2/7.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Present Perfect notes

Watch the video and take notes for the Present Perfect.
Make sure to  include in your notes
a. all the forms of the helping verb haber
b. how to form the past participle
c. all irregulars listed

d. your own personal answers to the questions at the end of the video.

Additional info on phrases that trigger the Present Perfect...

Thursday, January 19, 2017


The Midterm Test Room is Room 118.
The correct time is 815-945.
Bring a pen and pencil. You will need both.

Spanish Language on the ChromeBook

Accents for the Spanish Language on the ChromeBook
  1. On the right hand side of the ChromeBook go to the three bars on the right and choose Settings.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and look for Show advanced settings.
  3. Scroll down to Languages and input settings.
  4. Put a checkmark next to US international keyboard.
  5. Click Done.
Now that you see INTL over on the bottom right of your screen you can type your accents.
  1. Use the Alt key on the right side of the keyboard.
  2. Hold down the Alt key on the right and then click a, e, i, o, u, or n.
  3. Do the same for the question and exclamation marks.

To look up new vocabulary, use WordReference.
Scroll through the options it provides and choose the best one based on what you are trying to say.